When We Meet
We meet on Sunday mornings, on Wednesday Nights during the school year, and various times during the summer! Come Belong with Us!

Sunday Morning Group
9:00am | Youth Building

Sunday Worship
10:00am | Main Sanctuary

The Gathering
6-7:30 PM | Wednesdays in the Youth Building during the school year
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36
Nick and Haley Hartman
Brian & Cyndi Holloway
Laura Goetsch
Nadia Iniguez
Hanna Adkins
Mary Matthews
James Stiles
Byron Forewright
Joe Swann
Ed Cope
Worship Team: Jeremy Felker, Seth McCoy & Delaney Lazenby

Connect with us on Instagram @mc_students. We also have a Facebook Group for students and parents!